Ummm, a tough one.
More often than not when I ask this question the answer I get is ‘values’. Now it’s a little unfair as I don’t give the context to the question suffice to say most will answer either in terms of the values they have defined within the organisation or their personal values. What’s interesting here is the fact the answer is always in direct context to themselves. Now that’s not a bad thing, at least they have identified their values.
What’s interesting here is our understanding of the difference between behaviours and values, and it is important. If we don’t really understand the difference then we can confuse our interpretation of behaviours with values. So let me help with the two definitions and I will then go on to explain why behaviours come first.
What are VALUES?
Principles or standards of behaviour, one’s judgement of what’s important in life.
The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
Now for me, it’s quite clear, behaviours come first and values are the benchmark of what we deem as acceptable. Yet so many business owners see values as the first port of call, and the primary focus. Often this is as far as it goes and the associated behaviours are rarely identified. Take a look at your business values, when you assess your team are you assessing the value or their interpretation and the behaviours associated with the value?

The Identity Iceberg
In order to assist in the context of understanding the difference between behaviours and values and indeed the importance let me introduce the identity iceberg. As you will be aware the vast majority of an iceberg is hidden from us, in fact, all we see is the small percentage above the surface.
Action, decisions and behaviours are what we observe day to day, in fact, what we allow others to see. So when we look at the question of organisational values it’s not that simple to have others embrace them, evoke and internalise them. When we look below the surface we each of us have skills, beliefs and values which create our identity, that doesn’t necessarily result in our portraying them above the surface. With the right environment, we can promote the appropriate values and encourage and expect the right behaviours.
You are who you are, owing to the way in which you have grown and matured, the influences you have in your life and your environment. These have shaped who you are today and results in the behaviours you demonstrate. So, it is often no wonder that an organisation which seeks to recruit on a set of values often finds that many of their team don’t truly internalise them or indeed portray them. Ever hired someone who you thought was a good fit only to then discover they weren’t?
A question I ask organisations and one for you to contemplate is ‘what behaviours do you want to see within your organisation?’ Now if these link directly to your values then you will start to enable your team to internalise them. It will, in fact, start to shift the environment and by virtue increase the confidence of individuals and ultimately shift beliefs. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy, appropriate behaviours engage the team,
Essentially it these behaviours that are observed as actions and decisions, so you can begin to see the importance of identifying the behaviours which you want associated with your business. The magic happens below the surface and this where the self-fulfilling prophecy happens.

The Impact of the identity Iceberg
Let’s take a value I would sense every business owner would strive and be striving to achieve TEAMWORK. To internalise and embed the value of teamwork we need to focus on certain behaviours. Such as:
- Seek always to contribute towards the achievement of desired results.
- Respect the opinion of other team members.
- Seek feedforward from other team members.
- Take responsibility for your role within the team.
- Always strive to put the needs of we over the needs of me within the team.
This list could go on, I guess you get the idea. So these behaviours all contribute towards the value of teamwork. As a result of there, presence confidence increases a higher sense of belief, in turn strengthening the value of teamwork. So my challenge to you is to review your values and identify what the behaviours are you seek to encourage towards the internalisation of the value in your business.
If you’d like to pick up the conversation please engage, you’d be welcome to come along to the Employee Engagement Workshop I run, where we look at this in a context to empowering and engaging your team in order to energise your business.
Now there’s a challenging thought!