Turning Strategy into Action

Execution is about precision in application of strategy, having a clear focus on where, what and how activity and the application at the tactical or grassroots level are delivered. All too often there is confusion in what strategy is and how it correlates with actions and activity. Strategy is often thought of as highfalutin and corporate. It is not, and the key to having a strategic concept is the ability of the business or organisation to deliver results.

This is the ’Art of Execution’.

Now, this isn’t an article about doing ‘stuff’, rather it’s about creating the link with developing strategy and delivery of it, the execution. Now, with that in mind, ask yourself if you have ever defined a strategic approach to growing your business, the big picture, highlighted what needs to happen and then started to do stuff. The only problem is the fact you never achieved the desired outcome at the strategic level. The goal or goals weren’t achieved, the results weren’t what you expected or anticipated. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. How disciplined was I as the business owner, did I have a truly disciplined approach to success?

2. How much time did I expend focusing ON the execution in comparison to the time expended on completing stuff, being the busy fool IN the business?

3. Does there exist a culture which embraces the required focus on execution and understanding behind our actions, a drive to succeed?

Now in all likelihood 1, 2 or maybe even all 3 of these aspects are non-existent, whilst thinking we had focused on the execution towards achieving growth and ultimately achieving the goals and objective, the reality is starkly different.

We can begin to see that execution isn’t just about a continual focus on activity.

Rather having the systems to ensure dissemination of information to where it needs to be enacted upon. It is about ensuring there is clarity of purpose, from the overall outcome to the part I must play as an individual. It’s about coordination and collaboration, thus achieving high levels in the unity of effort. Having high levels of competence in delivery and where applicable having autonomy with what is to be achieved. All the while having accountability at the various levels and monitoring the key metrics to ensure everything remains on schedule toward achieving the goals and ultimately the objective.

Having a highly disciplined approach to execution is critical in business. Having clarity in your strategy or knowing your own plan with this level of detail will give your team more confidence in you as the leader and or business owner. The power of understanding your own plan should not be underestimated.

Currently, do you work towards a written plan? Have you taken the time to articulate your strategic focus in a written plan of action? The bridge between strategic thinking and strategic delivery. Now if you fall into the section of business who don’t work to a plan then ask yourself how you know where you’re heading and what needs to happen.

The fact here is the art of execution requires you to have clarity in your strategic plan. In turn, this will set out your metrics, the key numbers that will measure your progress and growth. It will allow you to enrol and inspire the team with clarity on the destination, what is to be achieved, the strategic objective.

The ‘Art of Execution’ requires a high level of discipline from you the business owner or leader. It’s not about doing stuff or being a busy fool. It’s about a precise focus on activities which will deliver the strategic objective. In this manner, the outcome will be clear and focused business direction and growth.