Why Would I Need A Business Coach?
In the world of business as it is in the world of sport, to be a truly great performer you need an external influence. You need a coach. Before I go on to answer the why question you first need to reflect. The question ‘why would I need a business coach?’ directly correlates to the level of importance you place on success. Let’s take the sporting world. For every great athlete, they have a coach behind them challenging them to improve performance. They make them run more laps and hold them accountable.
Run More Laps
So how many laps are you running right now? It may be that you are exhausted from running laps, and can’t run anymore. Maybe because there are other areas of your training which aren’t right, wrong diet, lack of sleep, wrong equipment and so on. A great coach will understand those challenges and coach you to make meaningful and long term resilient change. The result will be in higher performance and more laps.
In business that’s going to be a focus on the level, you are performing at. Those laps in business will improve performance in terms of efficiencies for you and the team. Improvement in financial performance and having your money work better for you and make more profit. It will also focus on performance enhancements in the way you develop and grow the team. All of which are critical in times of exponential growth. Growth is a key output from coaching, let’s face it today if you’re not growing you’re dying.
If You’re Not Growing You’re Dying
Whilst a stark statement today it is true. There used to be a time when you could remain at a constant level and survive. Today if you are not growing and developing your business you can be sure your competition is. That means that they will come after what you have and ultimately that will result in your demise. In times of global exponential growth having a great coach will give you the edge. By edge I mean it will create high levels of ownership for you the business owner, director or executive.

Steve Gaskell, High-Performance Business Coach
Answering Why…
Now firstly you don’t need a coach, you have to want to be coached and there is a difference. You have to want to improve your performance to have focus on what you aim to achieve. It goes beyond doing ok in business it means you are thriving in business. It’s not about consistency it’s about resilience. So why would I need a business coach?
- A business coach will focus on the future not the anchors of the past, they will look to the ‘art of the possible’.
- From your performance to that of the team your business coach will make you run laps!
- Will assist in the development of the destination and the overarching purpose.
- A great coach will always be your unreasonable friend who will tell you as it is.
- The coach will not shy away from the difficult issues, so there are no head in the sand moments!
- The business coach will keep you true to your path.
- Through the coach, you’ll be able to take stock, look at the bigger picture before making decisions.
- You will focus on what you need to learn and your coach will be able to advise, teach and coach you toward knowledge and wisdom.
- You and your coach will together uncover new opportunities in sessions where thinking is challenged and possibility is pursued.
- Your business coach will unlock the best version of you.
Now there’s a challenging thought.
For more insights take a look at the 7.5 tips to get the most from your coach.