Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable

Often one of the key challenges many people face in personal development and achieving higher levels of performance is stepping outside of their comfort zone.  Essentially getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Often we talk about stepping outside of our comfort zone and then fail to get into action. How does the phrase go ‘talk is cheap and actions speak’. Ultimately getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is about a higher level of performance and by virtue pig-headed self-discipline.

What’s your comfort zone now?

Take a moment right now to have a look at your circumstances. Are you where you want to be? Have you achieved all that you want to achieve? Ultimately are you living the life that you truly want to live? Or, are you currently in a comfort zone that paradoxically doesn’t offer any comfort? In all likelihood answering these few questions will offer you an insight into how comfortable you are right now and potentially where you want to get to.

The challenge is the journey from where you are now, your comfort zone, to where you want to be in life. That journey means that you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and you will almost certainly need to step outside of your comfort zone to get there. What’s exciting here is the fact that when you step outside of your comfort zone, you will in time be extending your comfort zone.

Now for getting comfortable being uncomfortable…

The first step and getting comfortable being uncomfortable is recognising what it is you seek to achieve. Getting clarity in terms of where it is you are heading. As Stephen Covey puts it looking to start with the end in mind. Let’s face it, if you don’t know where you’re heading you’re going to have no idea of how to get there. So be clear what you want to achieve in your life and then make a commitment to yourself.

Understanding where you are now heading means that you can now start to expand your comfort zone, or as I put it getting comfortable being uncomfortable. This is where you start to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. There have been many occasions in my military career where I had aspirations for promotion. Each time I had to make a commitment stepping outside of my comfort zone and into an uncomfortable zone. I would be physically and mentally tested over a period of time to unlock my true potential. Each time my comfort zone expanded I became a better version of me as a soldier and later officer.

This has been the same in my business and with the businesses I coach. In order to grow my business, I have needed on countless occasions to step out of my comfort zone. Whether that was the need to learn new marketing strategies or venture into new markets or have challenging conversations it always required me to step out of my comfort zone.

Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is a state of mind today!

Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable

Time to extend your comfort zone…

…Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable

With some clarity of where you want to get to here are some of the questions you may need to answer to get there. With each answer ask if this will result in extending my comfort zone.

1. What do I need to learn?

2. What is my belief in getting to my destination?

3. What do I need to commit to?

4. What habits do I need to stop and what habits do I need to start?

5. Am I clear on what is driving me and the benefits I get from it, my purpose?

6. Have I resolve and commitment to stretch my comfort zone?

7. What help will I require along the way?

As you answer these questions you discover what your attitude is towards your desired destination. You will determine if you are going to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Essentially you will decide as to whether or not to step outside of your comfort zone to achieve your aspirations.

So to truly unlock your potential getting comfortable being uncomfortable is key to unlocking potential. Stepping out of your comfort zone will unlock your true potential through challenging yourself. What’s great is the fact that over time this will result in a bigger comfort zone, now that’s got to be good. If you want to take a look at what can be ultimately achieved then read Dave Goggin’s book; You can’t Hurt Me. You’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

If stepping out of the comfort zone and getting comfortable being uncomfortable seems too challenging then book a coaching session with me and I’ll help unlock the shackles from your current comfort zone. If you’re ready to invest in yourself, I’m ready to invest in you, book a complimentary coaching session here.

Not Convinced Yet?

Then listen to what Yubing Zhang has to say in this TED talk…

Think it’s now time to start getting comfortable being uncomfortable?

If your open to stepping out of your comfort zone then why not give us a call

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