People, Money, Stuff
How do you prioritise life?
There is no doubt that today’s life is extremely complex, but what does people, money, and stuff mean? We are bombarded with information, opinions, opportunities and challenges. In this article today, I want to strip away some of that complexity and challenge you to take a good look at your priorities in life in a very simplistic manner. What’s really important to you? There is an opportunity to hold the mirror up or indeed look at those around you to see what their potential drivers are.
In my day-to-day engagement with people, it is becoming increasingly apparent that a vast majority are driven by the need for self-indulgence almost at any cost, the need to have an instant fix. There is no patience, rather I see something I want so I’ll get it now. This is also coupled with the sense of entitlement, I deserve it, I’ve earned it, I should have it, so why can’t I have it? With it being so easy to get money, or more precisely, a line of credit it seems that people can almost have everything they want without the need to wait.
It seems that if you truly want something there will almost certainly be a way in which you are able to get it. Sadly it is often through, what I would term as bad debt. There is no surprise that today you can actually get a ‘payday loan’! I mean just think about that as a concept, you’ve just been paid and as soon as the money hits that bank it’s gone into bad debt and you need a loan to see you through to the next pay cheque.
In the very simplest terms, the priorities in these circumstances are wrong. A simple and effective way to develop clear priorities is to follow these principles.
When we look at prioritising people we are looking at developing and trusting relationships. It’s also about giving more than you receive, In these circumstances, reciprocity will be at play. You will be surprised by the impact these relationships have and the opportunities they present.
Putting people first feels great, it’s one of the core principles we have as humans and creates a strong feeling of well-being. Simple acts of kindness or sharing a smile on a daily basis will have a major positive impact on mental health. And not just for you, but also for those you engage with.
When we understand how money works as a tool and how to put it to work there is a profound shift in what can be achieved. The simple process of saving money in such a way as to have a compounded impact over years can result in living a life beyond your dreams. The simplest marginal gain of always saving 10% of your wage, in direct proportion to your wage is a great place to start.
It’s shifting from a scarcity mindset of there never being enough money to a place of understanding how to make money work for you. That once you have money working for you it will grow and in time exponentially. In time you will discover that your relationship with money and understanding of it will in fact attract more money and eventually other people’s money.
Probably the most obvious of drivers for so many is stuff and the need to have the latest everything. Here it is recognising that stuff will only ever be a quick fix. You can only wear one pair of shoes at a time. Indeed that stuff is probably the most significant distraction in people’s lives. Let’s face it everything is on demand, and the have it now mentality serves no long-term outcome in the well-being of people.
Here having a list or bucket list will create excitement and also motivation toward what you desire in life. Something that is worked for, saved for and waited for will have a far greater impact on your life than the immediate fix and the likely bad debt that accompanies it.
When you look at these priorities where are you?
People – Money – Stuff
People – Stuff – Money
Money – People – Stuff
Money – Stuff – People
Stuff – People – Money
Stuff – Money – People
For me I prioritise PEOPLE first, trusting relationships are absolutely key in my life. Then MONEY, to have an understanding of how money works, how I can make it work for me and ultimately how I will be able to make wealth work for many. Finally, STUFF, having a bucket list that over time I can achieve, places I want to GO, things I want to SEE, whom I want to BE, activities I want to DO, what I want to SHARE, what I want to HAVE and what I want to GIVE.
Understanding this simple focus on prioritising in life can have a profound impact, where do you see yourself and those around you?
Want to understand your priorities then why not get in touch and explore what this means for you
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