ActionCLUB Group Coaching - Steve Gaskell - ActionCOACH

ActionCLUB 12-Month Group Coaching Program

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What is ActionCLUB the Group Coaching

ActionCLUB is a group coaching business education program for owners of small to medium businesses. In business, just as in life, you can’t stand still. You’re either getting ahead and growing or in a downward terminal spiral. This has never been more so than in today’s business environment; global pandemics, war, economic challenges and so on. Add to that the statistics, which indicate around 90% of businesses fail in the first 10 years. You need to ensure your business strategies are in place, and working towards your overall business goals.

The key to long-term survival is to focus on the direction you want your business to move in and then gather momentum to begin the journey. There simply is no alternative if you’re serious about remaining in business. The program is delivered over 12 months, where you will attend 20 business growth sessions and if you join ActionCLUB Plus an additional 4 GrowthCLUBs. ActionCLUB Plus also offers 4 additional bonus sessions, and access to our cloud-based business planning and digital platform. This is a group coaching program to take your business to the next level.

What is Group Coaching?

Developed (and used) by Brad Sugars the founder of ActionCoach, ActionCLUB is a proven 12-month Business Growth Program that builds a strong foundation around ALL the key fundamentals required for a business to be successful.

It is a set program of 24 group sessions that lead you through the key components of running a business. PLUS you’ll meet with Steve and Sam, your coaches, who will coach you through each session to help you implement the strategies you learn.

What’s the Investment?

For the ActionCLUB 12-month growth program you invest £360 + vat or £500 + vat per month for ActionCLUB Plus, for the year and 4 to 6 hours per month.

Your Guarantee – If you don’t benefit, you don’t pay. Your investment will be self-funded or we will give you the difference back, see our guarantee for complete details.

That’s it! If your increase in gross profit after 12 months is not equal to, or higher, than the investment you have made in business coaching, we will pay you the difference so you are never out of pocket.

What You’ll Get

Included in your ActionCLUB Program you will get:

  • Access to the 12 monthly ActionCLUB Business Growth Program and all the learning material
  • £1500 discounted off your first years 1-2-1 coaching following full completion of ActionCLUB Plus

If you join ActionCLUB Plus you will also get:

  • Access to the ActionPLAN online planning portal
  • 4 GrowthCLUB planning days
  • £3,000 discount off your first year 1–2–1 coaching following full completion of ActionCLUB

You will get ALL this by investing as little as £16 per day, plus…

In addition to this, you will gain additional learnings and confidence as you progress through this business growth program.

You will be held accountable by your coach and there will also be group accountability. You will grow in confidence through 100% participation.

You will also attend 4 GrowthCLUB Quarterly Planning Days, where you’ll create a step–by–step practical, relevant and tailor-made action plan for the next 90 days utilising your learnings from  ActionCLUB Plus.

How it works…

ActionCLUB and ActionCLUB Plus are 12-month Growth Programs. During that time you will a series of workshops with the intention to develop and improve your business knowledge in a number of different areas. The program follows a globally proven business model, the 6 Steps. Used with 1000s of business owners every day it is constantly assessed, and innovated and has proven growth-orientated business strategies developed to take you and your business from good to great.

Here’s What Previous ActionCLUB Members Think…

Now is the time to invest in you and your business

Joining ActionCLUB is a sure way to grow your business and yourself. If you think focused business training and coaching will accelerate the growth of your business then don't sit on the fence. Get in touch with the team and find out more. We'll take you through a coaching session for free so you can experience first-hand the positive impact it will have on you and your business. One of the keys to success is to take action now.

Vision Mastery

Learn how to set your goals by developing clarity on what you’re creating, why it’s important and how you’re going to accomplish it. This will include attending four 90-day planning sessions where you’ll start to see your vision come into focus.

Time Mastery

Learn how to use the time to your advantage by setting the right priorities, focusing on outcomes and running your schedule instead of letting your schedule run you. Start to place a value ON your time and be goal orientated.

Financial Mastery & Profit  Mastery

Learn how to understand your numbers when you are not an accountant, what financial measurements to use and why reports are vital to your business. Start planning your financial future by mastering cash flow, with a view to long-term financial independence. Learn how to do more with less and identify the most profitable and valuable activities.

Marketing Mastery

Learn what sets you apart from your competitors and how to get the customers you want, and keep customers coming back time after time. We’ll teach to drive down client acquisition costs and drive up lifetime value. Learn why social media matters by expanding your exposure online relationships and how to integrate social media into your business effectively.

Performance Mastery

Learn how to identify and improve the critical key performance indicators for your business and hold others accountable for achieving them. Test and Measure to ensure every pound you invest in your business results in more pounds coming in!

Sales Mastery

Learn how to sell effectively, how to improve your communications, what professional standards make a difference and how to handle objections. Understand the ladder of loyalty on route to creating raving fans who bring business to you.

Leadership & Team  Mastery

Learn how to engage others in your vision and goals by becoming a great leader and exhibiting the characteristics that inspire others. Learn how to build the dream team you’ve always wanted, recruit great people, empower your team, and hold them accountable.

Systems Mastery

Learn how to leverage your business by creating systems that run your business to produce massive results. Understand the cycle of business and utilise systems to increase productivity and get more for less.

Interested? Let us know and we’ll get in touch

Complete the form and we’ll contact you to offer more information, answer any questions and most importantly make sure ActionCLUB is a good fit for you.



ActionCLUB enquiry

Business Name
Please give us a brief outline of your business and where you want to be in 12 months from now.
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The Program

ActionCLUB is delivered over a rolling 12-month period and included the quarterly planning workshops GrowthCLUB. Each session is delivered by your coach who will introduce the context of the strategy and tactics to be introduced and applied to your business. This creates high levels of responsibility and accountability in constantly moving your business towards growth and success. Your coach will also support your learning and development along the way.

In addition, you will benefit from the group. As this is a group coaching program you will work, with, be supported by and become friends with the other business owners in the group. This adds a unique aspect to the program, accountability and challenge from other business owners on the same journey. The value of your ActionCLUB community will last beyond the 12 months program and is highly likely to open up new, before unseen opportunities.

The Syllabus

The syllabus is made up of 20 key sessions, the GrowthCLUB attendance and quarterly planning and bonus sessions. The syllabus includes:

Introduction and Launch. Meet your group community and gain an introduction to the rules of the game and the generalised principles. Essential what will be expected from you, what you can expect from ActionCLUB and what impact it should have on your business.                                  



Session 1 – Destination Mastery. There is no point in starting a journey unless you are clear about where you want to go and what you want to achieve. In this session be prepared to stretch your thinking around the ‘art of the possible’.



Session 2 – Increasing the Value of your Time. This will be the first time you start to take a detailed look at your time planning and where and how to develop your efficiencies. As you gain more experience and confidence around time efficiencies this will start to have a massive impact on your team and business.



Session 3 – 5 Ways to Massive profits. Here you’ll start to take a detailed look at where and how to vastly increase the profits in your business. This will be the first dive into marketing and profitability.



Session 4 – Planning and Delegation. Having clarity on where you are aiming to go, having the time to work on the business to get there and having financial goals set, this session focuses on just what you need to plan for. Creating a plan of action and making sure you have a clear understanding of your value and are able to delegate effectively.



Session 5 – Understanding Money.  In order to have money truly working for you, you will first need to understand how to put money to work and your relationship with it. In this session be prepared to be challenged on what you think money is and how you relate to it.



Session 6 – How to Make Raving Fans. Believe it or not, there is uniqueness in your business, there are strong guarantees you can offer and both of which will start to focus you on the ladder of loyalty. In this session, you’ll be introduced to the ladder of loyalty and just how to optimise the customer’s journey.



Session 7 – Effective Marketing, the First Steps. In order to resonate in your marketplace, you will need to understand why you have the customers you do and how to educate, promote or even remove them. From here you’ll be able to establish who you want to attract and look at your business’s target market with a view to establishing the marketing plan.



Session 8 – Build Your Business Story.  Understanding that your business has a unique story to tell, one which will impact your message, drive content, and establish who to encourage traffic to and within your website. Understand your story to clearly resonate with your marketplace.



Session 9 – Effective Target Marketing. It is vital that you have a full and clear understanding of your marketplace in order to ensure that your marketing message is received by your target market. To ensure that a clear message encourages action,  builds interest towards a desire for what you do or sell and ultimately there is a strong call to action.



Session 10 – Your Sales Process.  It is vitally important that you understand that in your business you have to sell in order to grow and be profitable. You and all your team are salespeople and as such need to harness sales skills and develop your sales process.



Session 11 – Effective Communication. One of the key skills we all possess is the ability to people-watch. Through this session understand how to effectively communicate with the varied behaviours of DISC. DISC is a psychometric assessment of people’s behaviours, and understanding how people act and how they behave will allow you and your team to communicate far more effectively with others, internal to the business and your customers.


Session 12 – Negotiations. Often negotiations are left to chance, to a belief that I’m a people person so I’m sure I’ll be able to walk away with what I’m looking for. The reality in business is starkly different and as a business owner, the skill and art of negotiations is a vital element of growing your business.



Session 13 – Building Systems. In order to grow and develop any business, there is a need to systemise what happens in the business. In this session, you’ll look at 80% of what happens in your business with a view to systemise it and ensure the other 20% is delivered by your people and they are empowered to do so.



Session 14 – Objections Handling and the Close. Understanding your sales process there now needs to be a focus on the conversation of those sales. In order to do this, your sales team needs to understand the process, recognise buying signals, be able to ask great questions, deal with objections and ultimately ask for the sale.



Session 15 – Your Presence on Social Media. In this session, you’ll take a look at your social media presence, and determine which of the plethora of channels and platforms are best suited to your business. You’ll focus 80% of your social media marketing on the one channel you know works for you and 20% on learning the other channels. In this matter, you won’t become distracted by the other channels.


Session 16 – Culture and Rules of the Game. No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Through this session, you’ll look at the culture within your business and how you expect your team to turn up. One thing is absolutely clear, focus on your team, develop them, invest in them treat them well and you’ll never have to worry about your customers.



Session 17 – Strategic and Host Beneficiaries. Know where and how to build business relationships. Understand that working with strategic partners and host beneficiaries will leverage what you do to a wider market and is a real win-win. Build a solid referral strategy for your business, and have your clients and customers bring you the business because they want to.



Session 18 – Recruitment. Getting the right people on your business bus, into the right seat and then keeping them on the bus can be challenging today. In this session, you’ll develop your step-by-step recruitment process where you’ll learn how to attract the very best and keep them.



Session 19 – Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. As a business owner, you are by virtue a business leader. Understand and recognise what type of leader you are and want to be. Determine what you need to learn to become the very best leader in your business so you can be best placed to develop the leadership within your team.



Session 20 – 7 Keys to a Winning Team. Recognise and develop the 7 keys to building a winning team for your business. From strong leaders to establishing the rules of the game and sharing the action plan, you’ll improve the engagement of your team. Then look at the levels of risk-taking the business supports and the nature of inclusion and the level of development the team receive.


The BONUS Session for ActionCLUB Plus includes…


Entrepreneurship.  Recognise yourself and the entrepreneurial characteristics you have. Looking at the entrepreneurial ladder understand the journey you are on and where it could take you.



Communications and Effective Meetings. Recognise the importance of well-placed meetings and that a clear routine will vastly improve communication within the business. Furthermore that effective meetings truly align the entire team and bring together the common purpose of the business.



The Ideal Team Player. Supercharge the team by recognising what an ideal team player looks like, how they interact and the strengths they bring to the team and the business.



Organisational Health. In developing all the elements of a highly effective business you improve the overall organisational health of the business. This session ties together all the strands of being a truly great business, its solid foundation and the pillars on which the success of the business is built.



The Power of One. In this session you’ll be taken through a deep dive into financial mastery and establish just how much growth can be had through a keen eye for detail and the power of marginal gains.

The Guarantee

The coaching we deliver to you; the investment you make will self-fund or we give you your money back.

That is if the amount that you have increased in gross profit after 12 months is not equal to, or higher than the investment you have made in joining ActionCLUB, then we will pay you the differential to ensure that you only experience an upside to working with us.

You don’t benefit, you don’t pay. We do.

Our coaching programs have been tested and proven on a global scale. It is constantly aligned to the needs of the business through innovation and constant evaluation. As long as you make the good-faith effort, do all the required work assigned to you and agreed by you, attend coaching sessions, events and workshops and complete your committed decisions and assignments by the agreed-upon dates – you will see your business improve.

We really are that confident in our approach to coaching and our systems. We’ve seen it work on countless occasions; we know it can be done. All you need to do is get up and do it. You literally have nothing to lose, and everything to gain taking your business from good to great.

With this 12-month guarantee, the worst that could happen is that you end up increasing your profits just enough to pay for your business coaching. Because even if you don’t end up increasing that much, we’ll give you the extra bit to make up for it. In other words, the worst that could happen is that you still receive the same amount of profit in your pocket you always have, plus you will have gained advice, coaching and business material from us and become a better leader and entrepreneur. And the best that can happen is that you make loads more profit, have way more free time and come out with a well-oiled business machine led by the new you – a trailblazer in business.

Do we really have to tell you to get in touch with us at this point?

Enquire About This Programme

Get in touch to book a place or find out more.


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