Business shouldn’t be this tough,

The Challenge Coach
Let’s face it, business is tough and there are no quick fixes. Growing a successful business takes bloody hard work, commitment, courage and a bucket load of resilience. The questions I will pose in this book are those of your aim, where you want to go and what you want to achieve. Clarity on where you are now and what’s getting in the way or slowing you down? In this book, together, we’ll focus on what your success mindset needs to be, how you’ll need to beat the resistance, starting with your own interFEARence and head trash. We’ll set the conditions for success and highlight just what it takes to have a business above the parapet. It’s my job as your coach to raise your awareness, to challenge you to take responsibility and getting to take massive action and make commitment to yourself. After that I’ll even offer a business rhythm to not only keep you on track also to inspire greater growth. In plain and simple terms, you’ll understand why you are the cause, effect and solution to being successful.
Section 1
Section 2
One of the greatest challenges you’re going to face and probably the reason you’re going to want to read this book is because of the barriers on your journey to success. In Chapter 2 I’ll guide you through and help prepare to deal with, face and dismantle the barriers you’ll face on your journey to success as you define it. Together we’ll defeat your resistance and you’ll create your offensive mindset.
Section 3
Understanding what you will face along your journey I’ll now help you set the conditions for success. Together we’ll focus you on just what you’ll need to think, become, do and ultimately have to make the shift from where you are now to being truly successful. I’ll offer you the cycle of habits which you can start to master on a daily basis to move you towards your destiny. The point here is you go beyond thinking to actually being and doing. There is no such thing as positive thinking without action. You can’t merely think yourself to success you’ll have to make the commitment to become succesful through application, activity, determination and motivation. Bottom line is this is where the the hard work starts.
Section 4
Achieving success and remaining on that journey in life is really tough. It most certainly is why business can seem so tough and the reason, in Chapter 4 ,I’ll introduce you to the concept of staying above the parapet. I’ll use some of my military experience to share with you the context of being successful. You’ll need to understand that being below the parapet will only result in blame, excuses and your denial ultimately not living the life you truly could. Rather I’ll challenge you to stick your head above the parapet and take full responsibility, accountability and ownership of your business, the decisions you make and your life. From this position, you’ll feel empowered too not only get out there and achieve success but you’ll also inspire others.
Section 5
In this final chapter, we put all our learning into action to set business rhythm. Ultimately the goal in this chapter is to set in motion the desire to create a commercial and profitable enterprise that will work without you. To truly achieve business owner status and to see your effort flourish as the business rhythm sets about creating the resonance for growth.
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With this book, you can invite Steve into your business journey and have him guide you towards success. Get your copy now and start to commit to your journey, after all shouldn't your business be giving you more life?