6 Steps for Massive Results: The Secret to Success

What are the 6 steps for creating a successful business?

6 Steps to Business Success

Business is tough. There is no quick fix for any problems your business is currently facing, but there are a series of 6 steps you can start implementing to watch your business grow as you succeed in each stage of the success formula. Whether you are tired of working IN your business rather than ON it, or you have a lack of clarity into where your business is heading, these 6 steps will address the solutions to your current problems. These are steps you can start taking right now to gain yourself more time, build a strong team, and set your business apart from its competitors.

Step 1: Mastery

According to Michelangelo, “If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” Yes, mastery it is not easy, and it takes time. It all starts from your mindset: Are you committed to master your time, self and your destiny? Let’s start with time mastery: we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so what do you do with your time? Many business owners waste their time performing procrastinating activities such as checking their emails every hour and scrolling through their social media. While you can’t control time, you can choose how to spend it. Do you need a business planning template? Get yourself a free one here.

Step 2: Niche

At this stage, we want your business to become a commercial, profitable enterprise that works without you. Your focus should be centred around marketing and finding your companies unique selling proposition (USP). For example, the USP of ActionCOACH is that we guarantee results within your business or your money back. So, ask yourself, what is different about your business? What makes it stand out from your competitors? One thing to remember is to never try to set yourself apart from competitors based on pricing. First of all, discounting kills a business. Secondly, if your product or service adds value, customers will care less about their price but rather the solution your product or service offers to their problem.

Step 3: Leverage

Like a lot of business owners, I am sure you have chosen to be in business so you can have more time for your friends and family. And then it may come to your surprise that you have to deal with long working hours and daily stress and hassle. It does not have to be this way forever. This is where leverage helps you out greatly. How would it feel to do more with less? At this stage, you will be creating systems for your business, including your company’s vision, mission and culture statement. Other ways to systemise your business include having SMART goals, KPI’s, organisational chart and positional contracts. You can download some free templates on how to do this correctly here.

Step 4: Team

How do you increase employee engagement? How can you build a winning team? At this stage, you will know the answers to these questions. Here are some great ways to create a winning team in your business:

Focus on strong leadership

Bad leadership results in poor teams. Therefore, it is important that you work on yourself first to produce the team desired. A great leader will be one who constantly inspires others to achieve more, is a great communicator and takes ownership both of the positive and negative outcomes. See this template for more advice on what makes a great leader. However, this is the beginning to create good employee engagement. If you notice that employee performance in your business is not as great as you would like it to be, see our blog which tells you exactly what you need to do to create happy employees.

Set common goals

As Bill Bethel once said, “a successful team is a group of many hands and one mind.” If you and your team are all on the same page, your business will be heading in the right direction. The way to get started is by setting SMART goals and making sure they are common to the team. Check out this site for advice to set effective SMART goals.

Support risk-taking

Your team should be encouraged to try new things and make mistakes along the way. After all, how can your team grow if they keep using the same strategy, producing the same results each time? Welcome multiple solutions to challenges and encourage lateral thinking.

Step 5: Synergy

Synergy refers to a process where individuals combine their efforts and resources to accomplish more collectively than they could individually. This process results in increased productivity, efficacy, and performance.

Step 6: Results

If you follow the 6 steps I have mentioned above, you are guaranteed success, it is that simple. Also note, support is here for you along the way. If you need any help with achieving these steps, business coaching may be the right solution for you. Alternatively, why not explore your options by booking yourself onto a free coaching session or exploration call so you can get a feel for what coaching is like and gain self-awareness for what it is you really need to improve on right now.

Never stop growing and work towards achieving your full potential.

Watch the full 6 Steps presentation here:

6 Steps Video

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