Tag Archives: team


6 Steps for Massive Results: The Secret to Success What are the 6 steps for creating a successful business? Business is tough. There is no quick fix for any problems your business is currently facing, but there are a series of 6 steps you can…

organisational health

Organisational health: How Healthy is Your Organisation? Now you might rightly be mistaken in our current environment for thinking this will be an article focused on a safe working environment, health and safety, cleanliness etc. Well, you’d be wrong. In this and the supporting articles,…

What is the driving force behind you, your business and the team? For the vast majority of business, they fail to determine what the Business Purpose is. Why the business exists. Interestingly for the vast majority of business owners, there was a strong drive and…

The Identity Iceberg We each of us have hidden talents, values, beliefs and indeed elements of who we are which we keep to ourselves. Equally, we will openly act, behave and share decisions that give some insight into our persona. In this week’s Vlog, I…

Is your team fully engaged? I was shocked to read a recent set of findings on the Gallup 2017 Global  State of the Workforce. They showed that in Western Europe only 10% of those surveyed who were employees of an organisation considered themselves engaged! This…

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