Being the Right Coach

Empowering Transformation and Ensuring Return on Investment

Coaching has emerged as a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth, providing individuals and teams with the guidance and support they need to unlock their full potential. However, the success of a coaching journey hinges on finding the right coach, someone who not only possesses the necessary skills and expertise but also establishes a strong rapport with their clients. Being the right coach involves a mutual belief and confidence in the coaching partnership, coupled with a shared understanding of the value it brings. In this article, we will explore the concept of being the right coach, focusing on three fundamental rules that drive our coaching process:

  1. We are the right coach for the client and our coaching style is a good fit.
  2. The client is confident that they are ready for coaching, they are coachable.
  3. Together there is a clear understanding and pathway to a return of investment.

Rule #1… We have to be the right coach for you…

By adhering to these rules, coaching can empower the transformation and ensure clients achieve tangible and meaningful outcomes.

We firmly believe that being the right coach for our clients and having a coaching style that aligns with their needs is paramount to achieving meaningful and transformative outcomes. This principle serves as one of our primary rules because it sets the foundation for a successful coaching relationship built on trust, collaboration, and optimal results. Let’s explore why we emphasise this rule and the deeper insight it offers.

Tailored Guidance for Individual Needs:

Every client is unique, with their own set of goals, challenges, and aspirations. As coaches, we understand the importance of tailoring our approach to meet the specific needs of each client. By being the right coach, we bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and tools that directly address our client’s individual circumstances. Our coaching style is designed to adapt and evolve, ensuring that we provide personalised guidance and support throughout their journey. This tailored approach allows us to hone in on their specific challenges, tap into their strengths, and explore strategies that resonate with their unique circumstances, ultimately maximising their growth potential.

Establishing Trust and Rapport:

Trust and rapport are essential elements of any successful coaching relationship. When clients see that we are the right coach for them and our coaching style is a good fit, it establishes a foundation of trust and confidence in our abilities. This trust empowers clients to open up, be vulnerable, and share their deepest aspirations, fears, and challenges without reservation. With trust and rapport in place, we can delve into deeper issues, explore limiting beliefs, and guide clients towards breakthrough moments that ignite profound transformation. The alignment between our coaching style and the client’s needs fosters a strong connection, ensuring that our coaching sessions become a safe and supportive space for growth.

Alignment for Optimal Progress:

When the coach and client share a mutual understanding and alignment, the coaching journey becomes highly effective and efficient. Our coaching style is tailored to resonate with the client, utilising techniques and interventions that suit their learning preferences and personality. This alignment enables us to strike a balance between support and challenge, guiding clients out of their comfort zones while providing a nurturing environment for growth. By ensuring our coaching style aligns with the client’s needs, we can optimise their progress, accelerate their development, and help them achieve their desired outcomes efficiently.

Maximising Client Satisfaction and Results:

Ultimately, being the right coach and having a coaching style that suits our client’s needs is vital for their satisfaction and for achieving tangible results. When clients can clearly see that we are the right coach for them, it instils confidence in the coaching relationship and enhances their commitment to the process. By delivering coaching that is aligned with their expectations, we empower them to embrace the journey wholeheartedly and stay motivated throughout the process. This alignment significantly increases the likelihood of achieving meaningful outcomes, resulting in their overall satisfaction and a sense of return on their investment in coaching.


Whilst we firmly believe in tailoring our approach to our client’s unique needs we will always adhere to our modus operandi of vision, support, and challenge. We recognise that unlocking true potential often requires stepping out of the comfort zone, which can be challenging. Let’s delve deeper into how our coaching philosophy and approach embrace this concept and the value it brings to our clients.

  1. Vision: Inspiring Clarity and Purpose As coaches, we help clients cultivate a compelling vision for their personal and professional lives. By guiding them to envision their desired future, we ignite a sense of purpose and motivation. This vision serves as a guiding light, providing clarity and direction throughout their journey. However, we understand that stepping out of our comfort zone is necessary to transform this vision into reality. It involves encouraging clients to stretch beyond their perceived limitations and embrace new possibilities. With our unwavering support, we empower clients to take bold steps towards their vision, even when it feels uncomfortable.
  2. Support: Nurturing Growth and Resilience Stepping out of the comfort zone can be intimidating, and that’s where our unwavering support comes in. We create a safe and non-judgmental space where clients can explore uncharted territory with confidence. Our role is to provide guidance, encouragement, and reassurance, ensuring clients feel supported every step of the way. We believe in their potential, even when they may doubt themselves. By nurturing their growth and resilience, we help them overcome obstacles, navigate challenges, and develop the confidence to continue stretching their boundaries.
  3. Challenge: Catalysing Breakthroughs and Transformation To unlock true potential, we understand the importance of challenging clients to move beyond their comfort zones. We create an environment where clients feel encouraged to confront their fears, face uncertainties, and embrace discomfort. Our approach involves asking powerful questions, offering different perspectives, and challenging limiting beliefs that may be holding them back. By facilitating this process, we catalyse breakthrough moments and facilitate transformative growth. Stepping out of the comfort zone becomes an opportunity for clients to expand their capabilities, discover hidden strengths, and achieve breakthrough results.

The Value of stepping out of the comfort zone

Although stepping out of the comfort zone can be challenging, it is where growth, learning, and transformation occur. By venturing into unfamiliar territory, clients develop new skills, perspectives, and resilience. They gain a broader understanding of themselves and their potential. Through the discomfort, they learn to embrace change, adapt to new situations, and seize opportunities for personal and professional advancement. By embracing the challenges that arise when stepping out of their comfort zone, clients unlock untapped potential, achieve remarkable results, and experience a profound sense of fulfilment.

Rule #2… The client must be coachable…

The second rule of coaching, which is equally important, emphasises the client’s coachability. For a coaching relationship to be successful and yield significant results, it is crucial that the client demonstrates a willingness and openness to learn, grow, and be receptive to the coaching process. Let’s explore the concept of client coachability in more detail and the value it brings to the coaching journey.


A Willingness to Learn and Grow Being coachable means being receptive to feedback, open to new perspectives, and willing to make changes in pursuit of personal and professional growth. Coachability is rooted in a growth mindset—a belief that one’s abilities and skills can be developed through dedication and effort. When clients embrace coachability, they position themselves to maximise the benefits of the coaching relationship.

Active Participation and Ownership:

Coachability goes beyond passively receiving guidance; it requires active participation and taking ownership of one’s growth journey. Coachable clients are engaged and proactive in the coaching process. They are willing to invest time and effort in reflecting on their thoughts, actions, and behaviours, and they actively seek opportunities for improvement. By taking ownership, clients empower themselves to drive their growth and make meaningful changes.

Openness to Feedforward and Self-Reflection:

One of the key aspects of coachability is being open to receiving feedback and engaging in self-reflection. Coachable clients understand that feedback is a valuable tool for personal and professional development. They actively seek feedback from their coach and other relevant stakeholders, and they embrace it as an opportunity for growth rather than taking it personally. By engaging in self-reflection, clients gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, areas for improvement, and underlying beliefs or patterns that may be hindering their progress.

Resilience and Growth Mindset:

Coachability requires resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to challenges. Clients who are coachable approach obstacles as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than as roadblocks. They view challenges as a chance to develop new skills and expand their capabilities. With a growth mindset, coachable clients believe that their abilities can be developed through effort, practice, and feedback. This mindset enables them to embrace challenges and persist in the face of adversity.

The Value of Coachability in the Coaching Journey:

Coachability plays a crucial role in the success of the coaching relationship. When clients embody coachability, they maximise the impact of coaching and accelerate their progress towards their goals. Coachability facilitates deeper insights, self-awareness, and personal transformation. It allows clients to challenge their existing beliefs, adopt new perspectives, and explore innovative approaches. Furthermore, coachability strengthens the collaborative partnership between the client and coach, creating an environment of trust, accountability, and mutual growth.

Being the right coaches, we value client coachability because it enables us to tailor our coaching approach effectively and deliver optimal results. When clients actively engage in the coaching process, embrace feedback, and demonstrate a growth mindset, it paves the way for profound personal and professional development. Coachability empowers clients to unlock their true potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve their desired outcomes.

Rule #3… A Clear ROI…

The third and final rule of our coaching philosophy emphasises the importance of both the coach and the client clearly seeing and agreeing on the return on investment (ROI) of the coaching journey. This rule ensures that there is a tangible and measurable value in the coaching process, with a defined pathway towards achieving the desired outcomes. Let’s explore why this rule is crucial and how it enhances the coaching experience for both the coach and the client.

Defining ROI:

A Clear and Measurable Pathway To ensure a successful coaching engagement, it is vital to define the return on investment from the outset. The ROI represents the value that the client expects to receive from their investment of time, energy, and resources into the coaching process. As the right coach, our responsibility is to collaborate with the client in defining clear and measurable goals that align with their aspirations and objectives. By setting specific outcomes and milestones, we establish a well-defined pathway that guides the coaching journey and provides a framework for tracking progress.

Shared Understanding and Agreement:

The third rule emphasises the importance of a shared understanding and agreement between the coach and the client regarding the ROI. Both parties must be aligned in their vision of what success looks like and the expected outcomes of the coaching relationship. Through open and transparent communication, we ensure that the client’s expectations are realistic, attainable, and in line with the coaching process. This shared understanding fosters trust, clarity, and commitment, establishing a solid foundation for collaboration and achieving the desired ROI.

Monitoring Progress and Celebrating Achievements:

A key aspect of the third rule is actively monitoring progress and celebrating achievements along the coaching journey. As the coaching relationship evolves, we regularly assess the client’s advancement towards their defined goals. By tracking milestones, evaluating outcomes, and measuring the client’s growth, we can objectively determine the effectiveness and impact of the coaching process. This ongoing assessment allows us to make any necessary adjustments to the coaching approach and provide additional support where needed. Celebrating achievements and recognising progress reinforces the client’s motivation, confidence, and commitment to the coaching journey.

Demonstrating Tangible Value:

The third rule highlights the importance of demonstrating tangible value throughout the coaching process. As the right coach, we are committed to delivering results that positively impact the client’s personal and professional life. By leveraging our expertise, tools, and resources, we empower the client to overcome challenges, gain new insights, and develop the necessary skills to achieve their goals. Throughout the coaching engagement, we continuously communicate and provide evidence of the value and ROI derived from the coaching process. This tangible value reinforces the client’s confidence in the coaching relationship and strengthens their commitment to their personal growth and success.

The Right CoachNo Compromise

The three rules that define our coaching philosophy—being the right coach for the client, the client’s coachability, and a clear agreement on the return on investment (ROI) are fundamental to our commitment to delivering transformative coaching experiences. These rules serve as the pillars that guide our coaching engagements, ensuring that our clients receive the utmost value, support, and growth throughout their journey.

As the right coach, we understand the significance of being the perfect match for our clients. We recognise that our coaching style, expertise, and values must align seamlessly with the client’s needs, aspirations, and expectations. By fostering compatibility, trust, and rapport, we establish a strong foundation that allows for open communication, vulnerability, and the exploration of untapped potential.

Additionally, we value the coachability of our clients, and their willingness and openness to learn, grow, and embrace the coaching process. A coachable client is receptive to feedback, actively participates in their development, and demonstrates a growth mindset. This coachability enables us to tailor our approach, challenge limiting beliefs, and empower clients to step outside their comfort zones for transformative growth.

Moreover, a clear agreement on the ROI of coaching is vital for the success of our coaching engagements. By collaboratively defining specific goals, milestones, and outcomes, we establish a well-defined pathway towards success. Through ongoing monitoring, assessment, and celebration of achievements, we ensure that clients experience tangible and meaningful progress. Demonstrating the value and impact of coaching strengthens the client’s motivation, commitment, and belief in the transformative power of the coaching process.

We firmly believe that these three rules are interconnected and mutually dependent. Without being the right coach for the client, we cannot effectively nurture their coachability or ensure a clear ROI. Similarly, without a client who is coachable and committed to achieving the ROI, our coaching efforts may fall short of their transformative potential. It is the harmonious alignment of all three rules that creates an environment conducive to growth, success, and fulfilment.

Therefore, we make a steadfast commitment to never take on a client unless all three rules have been answered to both our satisfaction and the client’s. This ensures that our coaching engagements are purposeful, impactful, and capable of driving sustainable change. Our dedication to upholding these rules demonstrates our unwavering commitment to delivering excellence and creating a coaching experience that exceeds expectations.

As the right coach, we believe in the power of compatibility, coachability, and a clear agreement on the ROI of coaching. By adhering to these rules, we create a transformative coaching journey where clients can unlock their full potential, achieve their goals, and experience profound personal and professional growth. It is through the synergy of these three rules that we are able to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of our clients.

It’s Your Choice

We firmly believe that the client’s choice is paramount in the coaching process. While we strive to be the right coach, we recognise that the client holds the key to their own growth and development. We value and respect their autonomy, understanding that they are the ultimate decision-makers in selecting the coach who best suits their needs and aspirations.

By honouring the client’s choice, we establish a foundation of trust and collaboration. This mutual trust allows for open and honest communication, fostering a safe space for the client to explore their challenges, goals, and aspirations without judgment. It empowers them to actively participate in their coaching journey and take ownership of their growth.

Recognising the client’s autonomy encourages a deeper sense of commitment and engagement. When clients have the freedom to choose the right coach for them, they are more likely to be fully invested in the coaching process. They become active participants, ready to embrace challenges, seek feedback, and apply their learnings to achieve the desired outcomes.

We understand that every individual is unique, with different preferences, learning styles, and expectations. By acknowledging the client’s choice, we ensure a coaching relationship that is tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. This personalised approach enhances the overall coaching experience, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the client’s journey and facilitates targeted interventions for growth.

At ActionCOACH, our commitment is not only to be the right coach but also to empower clients to make informed decisions that align with their best interests. We encourage clients to explore their options, ask questions, and consider their personal resonance with our coaching style, values, and expertise. Ultimately, it is through this collaborative partnership, grounded in the client’s choice, that we can unlock their full potential and support them in achieving remarkable and sustainable results.

The client’s choice is a foundational element of our coaching philosophy. By honouring their autonomy and empowering them to make informed decisions, we create a coaching experience that is customised, engaging, and transformative. We stand ready to support clients on their unique journey, knowing that their choice is instrumental in creating a coaching relationship that fosters growth, development, and long-lasting success.

Is it a Good Fit…

If you would like to explore options for coaching then, by far, the best way is to book a complimentary coaching session…

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