Tag Archives: employee engagement

With so much talk about businesses pivoting during the coronavirus crisis, today, I want to offer insight to what, where and how to pivot within your business. In this article I want to share why you should look to pivot it in the first place…

The Commute to the Weekend

The Commute to the Weekend Are you or your employees merely on a 5-day commute to the weekend? Think about that for a moment.  It’s an interesting question and one which the vast majority of the UK workforce ponder every Monday morning. According to the…

Embracing a New Age of Working Now many are not very adaptable and dislike change, yet we currently live in times of exponential change. Things are on the changes so quickly it is sometimes difficult to keep up and that is definitely the case in Business today. Now in…

The Future is Now I think we can all agree that the workplace environment has changed and is changing with extraordinary speed. There are fewer and fewer reasons to be tied to a desk, task or process. The levels of innovation with wifi, mobile networks,…

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