Tag Archives: #employeeengagement

Employee Productivity

Boosting Employee Productivity Proven Strategies for Business Owners Introduction In today’s competitive business landscape, one of the keys to success is maximising employee productivity. As a business owner, your team’s efficiency directly impacts your bottom line. Fortunately, there are proven strategies and techniques you can…

Effective Communication

The Silent Epidemic – The Need for Effective Communication Un-communicated Expectations in Business In the fast-paced world of business, effective communication is the bedrock upon which success is built. Yet, one often overlooked challenge that hampers progress and sows the seeds of discontent is the…

organisational health

Organisational health: How Healthy is Your Organisation? Now you might rightly be mistaken in our current environment for thinking this will be an article focused on a safe working environment, health and safety, cleanliness etc. Well, you’d be wrong. In this and the supporting articles,…

leadership vulnerability

Discover 4 ways to show leadership Vulnerability in business In 2007, Starbucks was experiencing the worst decline in the company’s history. Howard Schultz made It clear that if the company does not change, the Starbucks business will have to end. His openness, transparency and leadership…

core values

Do your core values turn up on the wall? Do the values you have really resonate within your organisation? Do you have values that are wholeheartedly embraced within your organisation? Right now, can you recite your organisational values, do you know what they are and…

marketing strategy

A Powerful Marketing strategy you should be using – CNE Getting new customers and retaining them for the long term isn’t easy. Why is this the case? You may be thinking the quality of your products and services you provide will be the most important…

steady character

How to Recognise a Steady Character How can you a recognise a steady character? Your team will be equipped with a different range of skill sets and personalities- it is important to be able to recognise this. By understanding your individual team members’ strengths, weaknesses…


Save Money In your Business By Following this 3-Step Guide Creating a sustainable and efficient business should be a priority. When money becomes an issue and less profit is generated than we expect, what’s next? How can you save your business money? The hard work…

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