Influential Character: Recognise, Interact and Become One With These 8 Tips

If you contemplate world-leading speakers such as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Oprah Winfrey, and T. Harv Eker, what do they all have in common? They all possess influential traits. They display optimism, display high levels of integrity, act and inspire people to grow for the better. Is this the sort of person you aspire to be?

People with influential personalities are a great asset at the personal level and to the workplace.

What are the strengths of an influential character?

Person-orientated-this makes this character a great asset to the workplace, by being an encourager to other team members and having social friendliness.

Putting the team first leads to increases in employee engagement and produces an inclusive atmosphere. This enables you to undertake a hopeful approach to problem-solving and daily tasks in the workplace.

Like changes and innovations- have you heard the well-known phrase, ‘if you’re not growing, you’re dying?’ Change is part of growth, therefore is a necessity to produce successful results. These characters adapt to change and innovations by regularly stepping out of their comfort zone.

What are the key improvements for an influential character?

Developing organisation skills- this character may struggle with being organised, perhaps influenced by their tendency to be more spontaneous compared to other personality types.

It may be beneficial to support this character with their organisation skills and create a clear plan of action, to help them follow through with their tasks. If you need support with creating an effective business plan, download a free template here.

Overcoming the fear of rejection- people with an influencing personality type are eager to be liked so value social acceptance. This may be problematic, as under pressure they tend to focus overly on people over the important task in front of them. However, this mindset does not have to be permanent. The fear of rejection can be eliminated by following these simple steps.

How do I interact with an influential character in the workplace?

Give them variety in their work– for an influential character who values change and innovations, providing them with repetitive tasks would make them feel part of a mundane workplace. How could you provide a greater variety in the tasks you assign to your influential team members? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Match their optimistic energy by providing an upbeat setting– creating a positive work environment is a basic need of your business, for an influential character and every other character in the workplace. After all, nobody wants to work in a negative environment. Some of the ways you could create a more upbeat workplace setting could include investing in your teams personal and professional growth, promoting optimism and planning team-building activities.


Regularly compliment them– praising your employee who has been identified as an influential character type can make them more motivated in their workplace. You could complement them in many ways, for instance by saying ‘thank you for always speaking up in team meetings and providing a unique perspective’ or ‘having you on a team makes a huge difference.’

Keep up a fast, lively pace- These people will push themselves and their team to achieve things that seem impossible. An influential character will display their optimistic traits and spark change in their team to take on those overwhelming tasks and projects.

How can I become more influential?

Having an influential character is a  great asset to your team. However, if you are wondering how you can become more influential as a business owner, here are some things you could start working on:

Display high levels of integrity – I am certain you would prefer to communicate or get sold to by an authentic and credible individual, rather than someone inconsistent in their communication. Therefore, to create great first impressions and maintain strong relationships, you must be consistent in what you say.

Take the time for developing self-awareness -In simple terms, you cannot improve your current personality traits if you are unsure where the improvements need to take place. Once you have taken the time to understand who you are, your values and your goals, you will be on the right pathway to acquire the influential skills you are striving for.

Don’t just talk-take action! -having an influential character is about thinking strategically, and setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals to know where they are heading. They will also set up a daily routine that will help them with their productivity and clarity. Having a morning routine will set you apart from others. Find out how and why you should embed a morning routine onto your schedule here.

Communication skills are everything– winning customers and having good persuasion skills won’t happen by itself. Communication skills are all something we can work on. Once you are aware of your communication strengths and weaknesses, you can work towards creating a better communication strategy. Assess your current communication skills using this checklist.

In the presence of an influential person, everything is possible. How are you going to become more influential and spark change in the people around you?