3 Ways to Adopt a Growth Mindset as a Business Owner

How often do you as a business owner contemplate, ‘I can’t raise my profits any higher’ or ‘I don’t have time?’ A fixed mindset lingers amongst many business owners – whether you still haven’t recovered from your previous costly mistake or you choose not to go that extra mile to grow your business, a fixed mindset is a failure mindset. If you are striving to become a successful and strong-willed entrepreneur, your solution is a growth mindset.

Working on developing your growth mindset will significantly improve what you are capable of achieving as a business owner. Hopefully, you haven’t started your business with the agenda of covering up mistakes, giving up easily and being unmotivated to achieve your goals. Do you think this will benefit you in any way?

The first step in initiating change is identifying your mindset and patterns of thinking…

Which mindset do you resonate the most with?

Growth mindset

You understand that intelligence and skills are malleable, and you are willing to do all it takes to constantly improve yourself and your business. You view feedback as a way to grow. You understand that an outside perspective is beneficial to you.

Fixed mindset

You perceive challenges as roadblocks to your success and avoid making mistakes if possible. You believe that your skills, personality, moral character, and intelligence are fixed. You may take feedback as a form of criticism. and you love to self-sabotage yourself.

Whichever mindset you are currently in, don’t just accept it. The only way to free yourself from these impeding thoughts is to take action now, not when you feel like it.

These are some solutions you can start implementing straight away to adopt the growth mindset you need:

1. Show curiosity– If someone has exchanged information with you, how likely are you to respond with ‘I know’? When you use this destructible phrase, you are closing off any potential new information you could receive and learn from. Why not use the phrase ‘isn’t that interesting,’ instead?

Here are so other ways you can adopt a growth mindset through showing curiosity.

2. Observe your self-talk– try paying attention to your inner conversation for 7 days. Do you tend to speak to yourself more positively or negatively? When you catch yourself being critical, replace that with more positive talk. Regular self-criticism is not a motivating tool, it acts as a hindering mechanism to carry out tasks effectively. Don’t be your self-destructing boss. If positive self talk and adopting a growth mindset is something you struggle with, consider trying out these techniques also:

  1. Surround yourself with positive people – if you hang around with people who complain, make excuses for their failures and have a negative outlook on life, it is likely that you will be a reflection of them, even if you don’t realise it. If you want to develop a growth mindset, start forming connections and networking with people who already possess the traits you would like to see in yourself
  2. Start practicing positive affirmations, related to your personal and professional growth. If you would like to know how regularly reciting affirmations can help you and your business succeed, read this article.

3. Cultivate purpose in your business– do you have a clear mission and vision statement for your business? If not, it would be difficult to stay motivated and on track if you are uncertain as to why you are in your business in the first place. For instance, the vision statement of our company is to create World Abundance through Business Re-education. Through clarity and purpose, we can keep ourselves, and our team focused and motivated to achieve goals.

If you are ready and willing to invest in a permanent change of your mindset, let’s not waste any more time hoping something will change. Through action, repetition and exposure to useful resources, that’s when the change occurs. Join our Facebook tribe where we are building 10,000 obscenely great businesses to help you permanently change your patterns of thinking.

Alternatively, if you would like a free coaching session to explore the main obstacles which are in your path to developing a growth mindset and growing your business to the next level, you can book yourself onto a slot by clicking here.