Transform your Company culture to the better: learn from our 14-point culture values

If you are looking to drive up performance, productivity and engagement in your business, re-considering your companies culture may be your solution. We take a pride in football, enjoy our Sunday roasts, and go to the pub now and then…why should culture be any different in business?

It is surprising to hear that some companies have not established a company culture in the first place. To put it simply, that leads to disaster. If you have not yet created a culture for your company, then your employees will create it for you.

Establish a set of rules and ideas everyone must follow to understand the objectives and goals of your company – this is key to a great culture

You should be aiming for a clear plan and direction to achieve success. By establishing a unique and innovative culture, you and your team can work together to set out what it is you want to achieve from your business.

At ActionCOACH, we follow a 14-point culture for everyone to achieve massive results:

  1. Commitment
  2. Ownership

III. Integrity

  1. Excellence
  2. Communication
  3. Success

VII. Education

VIII. Teamwork

  1. Balance
  2. Fun
  3. Systems

XII. Consistency

XIII. Gratitude

XIV. Abundance

Let’s look at systems as a great example. You should embed systems in your culture to maintain the smooth running of your company, as well as increasing efficiency in your team. The culture point is stated as follows:

‘I always look to the system for a solution. If a challenge arises I use a system correction before I look for a people correction. I use a system solution in my innovation rather than a people solution. I follow the system exactly until a new system is introduced. I suggest system improvements at my first opportunity.’

Did you know that a business should spend 80% of their time systemizing the routine and 20% humanising the exception? Hopefully, your business has a standardised manual employees can reach if they need guidance for their roles. Or perhaps you have created short videos outlining the key responsibilities of each job role. The purpose of this is to create leverage- a commercial profitable enterprise that works without you.

Having a poor company culture in your business faces many consequences. How would customers view your company if it had a poor brand image, inconsistent delivery and apathetic employees? Your team are the key to creating a successful business. It is sad to hear that 87% of employees are disengaged in their workplace.

This mainly comes to culture- If there are a lack of opportunities to learn new knowledge, take calculated risks and maintain a work-life balance, your employees will be dissatisfied. Let’s do something about this… What you can do is transform your company for the better? Why not ask yourself these three simple questions:

1. How would you assess your current company culture? Does it enable your team to reach higher goals?

What does your business currently have in place in order to create a great company culture? Do you encourage team building exercises to boost team morale? Do you reward employees with their hard work, for example through praise or hosting fun activities near the Christmas season?

2. When are you planning to create a leveraged company with a great company culture which will no longer require you to be IN your business?

So many business owners struggle in their business…why? Because they are too occupied with performing tasks they should have delegated to their employees. If this sounds like you, no wonder your business is struggling with growth! You cannot be at two places at once, either choose to be the employee OR business owner: the choice is yours.

If you resonate with any of this, you may have difficulty or a lack of knowledge around creating systems or would like to know how to work fewer hours in your business, while maximizing profits at the same time. Download this free resource for creating business systems that work without you, and download this free resource if you would like to learn how to save more time in your business so you can work fewer hours while earning more profit than ever before.

3. How engaged are your employees? Are there any ways you can create more engagement and work satisfaction for a better company culture?

If you have a lack of clarity on how to establish a prosperous culture or would like to discuss any ongoing obstacles in your business, I would be happy to jump on a 1-hour free coaching session to hear you out. Taking proactive steps to grow and cultivate your business means you are innovating, not dying.