Focus and Its Importance in Business

In the past, the importance of focus served as a survival mechanism. We needed to give our 100% focus and concentration to be avoided being eaten by predators. How would the outcomes change so fast, if humans were busy occupied with scrolling through their Facebook feed, while a dinosaur was charging towards them?

The focus today has diminished to a great extent. As humans, we often complain that we ‘don’t have time,’ and are likely to experience burnout from juggling multiple tasks at once. Take yourself back to a time when you felt overwhelmed from multitasking. Did this serve you an advantage in any way? Did you feel that you have accomplished more, diverting your attention all over the place? I would assume not.

Having the ability to focus is something important we must learn well and improve. Once you master and improve this essential skill, your quality of life will improve in a range of areas.

Firstly, you will notice an improvement in your family and friend relationships. This makes sense. If you give someone your full attention, your personal relationships will become more meaningful, compared to a conversation with distractions.

Secondly, your work will naturally improve in quality. If you are giving your 100% attention, you will complete your work faster, in addition to reducing the number of errors made. Learn more about the benefits of focus here. If the ability to concentrate and focus is something you need to work on, let us do something about it right away.

Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? Before I heard of this technique, I would think to myself, ‘what can I achieve in 25 minutes?’ While this brief period does not sound productive, you can complete your work in 4 chunks: completing 4 – 25 minute sessions occupied by a 5-minute break in-between serves a beneficial purpose.

If you are the sort of person who prefers to complete tasks in heavy, three-hour chunks, this may increase the risk of you experiencing burnout. And you do not want to feel fatigued and overwhelmed when you have so many tasks to complete, am I right? Try this out the next time you have a task to complete and let us know how you did. The email is Alternatively, if you would like to have a conversation about how a lack of focus has become a problem for you and your business, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

It was quite interesting to hear from Christina Bengtsson, a world champion in precision shooting, advising individuals to incorporate a ‘not to do list.’ As a business owner and the ordinary public, we may be tempted to complete tasks that are not urgent, however, complete them regardless, due to the satisfaction we experience. Does this sound familiar? if you tend to add tasks that are there to be there, rather than serve an important purpose, remove them.

If you need more clarity with where your business should be heading within the next 5,10 and 15 years, a detailed and clear plan is the best place to start. If you would like a free business planning template that that clarifies what you aim to achieve, your purpose, and your mission, access your copy here.

Once you start writing the tasks which you are looking to not complete, your brain will shift in focus, concentrating on the actions you have marked as a priority. Examples you could include in your not-to-do list could be checking your emails several times a day. On average, individuals spend 2.5 hours on email every day. This is unfortunate, as you could be utilising that wasted time in more constructive areas.

The ability to let go of distractions is also a crucial factor in determining your focus. How often do you feel your mind wandering when you are taking some form of action? It is normal to let our mind wander sometimes; however, excess wandering can hinder you from achieving any visible results. These are some thoughts you may be thinking in relation to your business:

  • What If I forget what to say during my presentation?
  • What if I lose all my followers?

According to Sean Brawley, a former professional tennis player, it is essential to focus on one task at a time. When you focus on more than one task, it becomes a distraction. As you may know, time is a valuable, limited asset. So why choose to spend twice longer on a task, rather than focus on one duty at a time, and really move forwards?

You are fully accountable for how you choose to spend your time. If one of your goals is to be successful, it is time to elongate distractions and really get a grasp for what you want to achieve. As Warren Buffet once said:

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say *no* to almost everything.”- Warren Buffet

Prioritise, focus, and grow.

Would you like to learn further ways of increasing focus and becoming more accountable in your personal life and your business? Comment the word ‘FOCUS’ below, and I will send you a link to a free coaching session so you can explore what is specifically stopping YOU from creating the successful business you wish to create.