Success is not an event it’s commitment.

There is no doubt today there are a plethora of self-help events you can go to start down a path of business success. You can invest thousands of pounds in immersive events which create a massive shift and who you are and ultimately who you want to be. Interestingly it is not these events which work but your reaction and action in direct relation to them. Just because you’ve invested heavily, time spent time with a self-help guru doesn’t mean it’s going to resolve all your challenges and suddenly find business success.

Business success requires Action and Commitment

All self-help experts would agree with is that the mere fact you turned up to an event isn’t going to make everything better. It is the actions and your commitment to the process post-event that will make all the difference and contribute to business success. The reason these events work is the self-belief that resonates with the audience. To such an extent as to inspire action and activity.

As a performance coach, I truly understand the journey faced by people who are committed to being the best they can be. It first starts with a clear recognition of who you really are and your reality right now. This is a challenge in its own right. Having the courage to recognise your situation both internally and externally is a major step. Sadly the vast majority hide behind facades pretending to be something they’re not. When inside they’re actually struggling with who they are.

Take a moment of reflection right now and ask yourself if you are contented and happy with your current situation. Are you happy with your life, your circumstances, your job, the amount of money you have, and your relationships? In all likelihood when you asked this question with true authenticity you discover that there is more to do. This is where you need to unlock your true potential and where your drive and commitment make all the difference to achieve the business success you deserve.

Being Aware

In all likelihood you’ll get this level of awareness from any event you attend, they just won’t be able to give you your commitment. So how do you get committed to delivering the life that you want to live? In any case, is focusing on your future potential. What do you want to achieve in the life you have? This will require you to really remove any limiting beliefs you may have and knock down any barriers. Only then can you start to really embrace what can be achieved in your life.

When this is combined with where you are, your reality and where you want to go you are left with a gap. It is this gap you must bridge through taking action and being committed to living the life that you want to live to achieve personal and business success. The reality for the vast majority of people is they never have the courage firstly to identify where they want to go and, secondly to bridge the gap. If you are committed to the life you want to lead then you can start to take massive action towards living it and bridging the gap.

So, by all means, attend self-improvement, business success webinars or any other event offering a better way forward. You should do so with a commitment to act on what it is you learn. Only then will you really and truly start a longer journey to live the life you truly want. The reality with all of this is the only thing that holds you back is you and your commitment to the version of you in your life.

Now there’s a challenging thought…