1 Action at a Time: Business Growth Starts With MINDSET

I think most would agree that 2020 started relatively buoyantly. Plans were made and targets were set. In fact, maybe even some of the goals and milestones were starting to be achieved. There were whispers of an outbreak of COVID in China, which at that point seemed so far away. As we started to head towards March it soon became apparent that all was not well.  Enter the global pandemic.

Lock Down

On the 23rd March, The UK was locked down, something wholly unprecedented and never before experienced in peacetime. Fear and worry spread through the business community and businesses entered survival mode with the sole focus of getting through.

Businesses created crisis plans, pivoted what they were doing and adapted their business models as best they could to survive lockdown.

Throughout the whole of quarter 2 and in fact, for the best part of 100 days businesses had to operate from completely new and uncharted waters, the virtual world. But then as we started to emerge from lockdown and as the rules are steadily eased businesses seek to re-establish themselves and bounce back. To take massive action going forward.

Now for most businesses it has been a challenging path that we have been on. However, as we now start to emerge from lockdown we are faced with choices in business. Sadly, some businesses will be faced with hardship, cash flow challenges and maybe even having to look at redundancy for some of their team.

For others, it may seem that there is tough trading ahead and a level of uncertainty of how they’re going to get through or indeed survive. Then there are those businesses that investigate the future and see opportunity.

Commit to Action

One thing that is clear is that we have a choice in terms of what we believe the future holds and how we can influence it through our actions and commitment today. Looking to the future as we come out of these three months, in order to get back to some form of normality in business it will require a commitment to action.

In fact, it’s a slight difference between action and taking massive action which will prove the difference in terms of business that can thrive.

In the next three months if you drive massive action In your business and have a clear focus on what can be achieved even when others doubt then you will see results and being a place to take advantage of opportunities ahead.

Essentially each day turning up with a focus to drive the business forward.  In fact, to hit those goals you established as you entered 2020 is not outside the art of the possible.

You have a choice to drive your business forward towards success or to allow circumstances imposed upon and limit what really can be achieved.

Putting it bluntly the focus drive and commitment you have now in taking massive action over the next few months will have a massive impact on your business bouncing back and thriving towards the end of the year.

Now is the time for massive action, there’s a challenge for you.